
  • Xanga

    Hi All:

    I joined Xanga in 2002, and blogged here during my time of being a grandma-on-duty.  Then I went back to work and at the suggestion of a friend, Ren, started talking my blogs.  I do that haphazardly at blogtalkradio.com/You_Are_OK , which are posted here.  Anyway, I want to thank John—if he is still here—and all of you for reading my posts during my heyday.  Writing those posts helped me work through who I am and discover who each of you are too.  I have come to a place of acceptance in life.  Not beaten down but at peace accepting I am in charge of me and no one else and no matter what, I will live my life to my highest potential. That is the only way to peace!!! Letting go of the need to control others and accepting there is some divine purpose, some lesson for them to learn without my rescuing them first, are huge lessons for me. 

    I understand Xanga may be shutting down and I downloaded all of my archives just in case.  I had already downloaded in my personal internal hard drive, my heart, the love I feel for all of You.  It is permanently captured as proof that people from around the world can come together in spirit and support one another.  Namaste` to all of you.

    Love and Light


  • DreamBoard

      Here is a dream board I created for where I want my life to go—Peace in the Moment. 

    I believe peace comes from believing there is enough and I am enough.  This one word, “enough,” is at the core of all that can be and all that is not. How often do we lose our peace because we feel we are not enough, are not recognized enough, do not have enough . . . ?  The great unknown for so many is the truth and peace that comes from the realization that in this moment we are all enough just as we are. Logically since we had enough to make it to this moment,  we have enough. There is no need to have more than enough. Surely, if each of us could feel “enough” and believed s/he had enough, then there would be no need to keep for ourselves more than enough. Can you imagine a world where people stop craving to have more than enough; where people are content in the moment with BEING in the moment?

    I am so blessed in the now and am honored to BE in the now. 

    I have learned so much and much of that I learned on xanga.  There was a time when this was a place where I exposed my heart, experimented with internet love, was broken down and reborn.  I came to know who I was not, in order to recognize who I am. 

    I do not need to lead your life–only you do

    I do not know what your choices should be–only you do

    I have grown from all I have lived and in that journey I have come to a place of peace in myself knowing I am “enough.”  To reach that place I had to live all I lived in order to detach from thinking I am more or less because of someone else.  I am in charge of me and each of you is in charge of you.  What a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders since I  recognized I am responsible for me and my choices only.  I work everyday to be wise and loving in those choices, when I am not I know in the now I get a new chance to choose again.

    Peace be with you

    Love and Light




    Wednesday proved to be the happiest day of my life, at least tentatively all is well. Thank you God–Love–and thank all of you for your prayers and powerful good wishes.



    Good day to all of you who happen by this site. I seldom make it here anymore and am pleased you would still stop by on occasion. Today, I am in the Northern Chicago suburbs waiting for tomorrow which will be either the happiest or saddest day my life has known to this point—either the cancer currently living in my daughter will be removed or not. Such simple words to write and such complex feelings to experience.

    When I first learned my daughter had cancer about two weeks ago, I was wracked with anger at God. I was held immobile in my rage, until I recognized I cannot live immersed in grief, pain, suffering. Then slowly I began to open myself to my daughter’s soul’s right to experience all that surrounds cancer and to the lessons I can learn from this.

    Perhaps the foremost lesson is that I have control only over myself, something I have written about here and spoken about on the radio countless times. So, what lessons are there in this for me. The obvious is I do not want my child to be sick or to die. I have control over neither. All I can do during these difficult times is raise the Light in me, so that I can be there for her as needed. All of this is a reminder for me and her that God is in all of this.

    No matter our human experience, we are only separate from the peace God affords, when we forget to reach out and take His/Her hand. I encourage each of you who read this to remember to take time today to recognize God’s presence in your life and to reach your hand out to take God’s hand as you go about your day. I can see it there reaching out to you as I write.


    emrose M

  • Do or do not. There is no try.

    -Yoda The Empire Strikes Back

    Either way You are in charge.

    Happy Thanksgiving to All. 

    Peace be with You.


  • In the valley, on the mountain, I beheld only God.
    In hardship I saw Him by my side.
    In ease and well-being I beheld only God.
    Like a candle I melted in His flame.
    Amid the sparks of the flames,
    I beheld only God.

    -Baba Kuhi of Shiraz, “Rabi’a the Mystic”


    Recently I recognized that the word, “blessings,” does not mean the same thing for everyone but universally we seem to not notice that we are blessed.  I am not sure if that is because we have expectations about what being blessed is or we  tend to look past “now” to then and when.  But one thing is for sure there are many times we take the luster off the moment by noticing first what it is not.  Other times the moment dims in comparison to joy or pain that has passed.  There are still other times that are seen not for their glory but for the glory they “may” presage.

    I am working hard to be the best person I can be now and in the process I am learning that is easier when I open the “present” from God (“Love”) and cherish it for what it holds empty of all of what it coulda, shoulda, woulda held if it was a different time.

    Join me in embracing NOW–I believe together we can cause a global change in attitude simply through contentment with things as they are.



    Hello my friends.  Since I have been doing the radio show I have less and less time for xanga.  But really lately I have less and less time for the internet period.  But that is good. 

    I wanted to share my support for a book I received for Christmas of 2007 as a present “the Law of Attraction.”   I decided to make a daily appointment with God and began writing down and saying aloud what I wanted.  This is post about the delivery. 

    A job where I am respected and valued—check

    Talking to people around the world about how much God (“Love”) loves them–check.

    A house with a prayer room in particular colors–check

    I am making less and living more–Thank you God (“Love”) for the blessings and peace you give me.

    My friends believe
    God (“Love”) loves you and you are enough to have your dreams come
    true–then dream.  Then, write down your dreams so you do not miss the
    Divine connection when you start living in your dream.


  • The Lord illumined the hearts of the pious with the light of certainty
    that gave them the vision to comprehend the light of all the faiths of
    the world.

    -Abu’I-Hasan, “The Kashf al-Mahjub”