January 19, 2010


    Good day to all of you who happen by this site. I seldom make it here anymore and am pleased you would still stop by on occasion. Today, I am in the Northern Chicago suburbs waiting for tomorrow which will be either the happiest or saddest day my life has known to this point—either the cancer currently living in my daughter will be removed or not. Such simple words to write and such complex feelings to experience.

    When I first learned my daughter had cancer about two weeks ago, I was wracked with anger at God. I was held immobile in my rage, until I recognized I cannot live immersed in grief, pain, suffering. Then slowly I began to open myself to my daughter’s soul’s right to experience all that surrounds cancer and to the lessons I can learn from this.

    Perhaps the foremost lesson is that I have control only over myself, something I have written about here and spoken about on the radio countless times. So, what lessons are there in this for me. The obvious is I do not want my child to be sick or to die. I have control over neither. All I can do during these difficult times is raise the Light in me, so that I can be there for her as needed. All of this is a reminder for me and her that God is in all of this.

    No matter our human experience, we are only separate from the peace God affords, when we forget to reach out and take His/Her hand. I encourage each of you who read this to remember to take time today to recognize God’s presence in your life and to reach your hand out to take God’s hand as you go about your day. I can see it there reaching out to you as I write.


    emrose M

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