Month: June 2013

  • Xanga

    Hi All:

    I joined Xanga in 2002, and blogged here during my time of being a grandma-on-duty.  Then I went back to work and at the suggestion of a friend, Ren, started talking my blogs.  I do that haphazardly at , which are posted here.  Anyway, I want to thank John—if he is still here—and all of you for reading my posts during my heyday.  Writing those posts helped me work through who I am and discover who each of you are too.  I have come to a place of acceptance in life.  Not beaten down but at peace accepting I am in charge of me and no one else and no matter what, I will live my life to my highest potential. That is the only way to peace!!! Letting go of the need to control others and accepting there is some divine purpose, some lesson for them to learn without my rescuing them first, are huge lessons for me. 

    I understand Xanga may be shutting down and I downloaded all of my archives just in case.  I had already downloaded in my personal internal hard drive, my heart, the love I feel for all of You.  It is permanently captured as proof that people from around the world can come together in spirit and support one another.  Namaste` to all of you.

    Love and Light
